Learn about the values that make up the CAMPESTRAl brand

As you have been able to read in the first blog entry , our project, Bodegas Campestral , was born from a personal dream of its director Andrés. From it, the values ​​that define the brand and the project are also formed.

Bodegas Campestral is not a project that was born with the intention of being an investment or looking for a business with high returns, nothing further, this is an illusion, the illusion of being able to make a hobby a style of life.

The values ​​of Bodegas Campestral are as Andrés understands life and these are the basis of this project. The first thing is to look for the roots, the natural, the usual, the really good, but at the same time take advantage of the knowledge and technologies that we have today to bring any product to the maximum perfection and quality without losing a drop (never better said in the world of wine) of naturalness.

Mix between traditional, modern and quality

This triple mix between traditional, modern and quality is the basis of this project, which is reflected both in the facilities and in the wines. The facilities mix the traditional Andalusian architecture, the farmhouse, the huts, the arched style of the winery, the white colors of the buildings and the gardens with Mediterranean plants; And they are also a reflection of this tradition, the facilities and the furniture in a rural style but with a modern shape and texture, always seeking maximum comfort and the best visual harmony.

The wines , meanwhile, are made in an artisanal way and in their most natural expression possible, with the minimal intervention, using ancestral methodologies and at the same time, using the most modern and reliable physical tools to ensure that the naturalness of the juices of our grapes is expressed in its maximum splendor in the wine we package.

And finally, it should be said that we launched this project with great enthusiasm and with great strength and desire to work, which are essential values ​​and aspects for a project to give the best of itself and to please those involved in it. project as those who want to enjoy it.

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Discover how the Bodegas Campestral project was born

Discover how the Bodegas Campestral project was born

It is very typical and a great topic to say it like this, but it is true that Bodegas Campestral was born from a dream, the dream of a lifetime of Andrés, owner and director of the project. That dream is to have a country house where you can produce your own wine and enjoy it with family and friends.

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Para Todos


Te Va a Gustar!

vino espumoso ancestral, especial & tranquilo

Disfruta de campestral en un enclave privilegiado

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